5/11, Tuesday.
I found this in room 451 this
morning and figured I may as well use it. Don’t have anything better to do and
its previous owner’s sure as hell not going to care. So, yeah. Introductions
first, I guess?
I’m Kayleigh. Five feet of
freckles with some hair on top, though I cut it pretty short on the first day
and it hasn’t recovered much. I’m writing this from the top of Saint Mary
hospital, looking out over the remains of the city. Under me in their rooms are
Jed, Kate, John and Derek. Sarah and Chris are out there somewhere, getting us
supplies. The grocery on Second ran out of food on Sunday, so they’ve had to
scout closer to the city centre.
The others are pretty alright,
took me in. Dealt with all this better than I did, that’s for sure. Jed and
Derek are brothers, but you couldn’t tell just from looking. Jed’s all dark
hair and dark eyes and silent-broody, you know the type, and Derek’s all
blue-eyes brown-haired life and laughter and… yeah. They’re close, though. I
guess they have to be. They were here at the hospital first, right from the day
Chris got here before Sarah,
and both before I did. Chris was here in the real early days, sometime in the
first week. He spends most days scouting supplies and when he is here he doesn’t talk much. Sarah goes
with him a few days a week, but otherwise pulls her weight around the hospital.
She’s the best cook of all of us, though I’d like to think I’m not far behind.
John and Kate are father and
daughter. They got here pretty soon after me, just a few days. John’s the
oldest in the group by about 15 years (next is Sarah), but he is one hardcore
son of a bitch. If this group has a weak link, he’s not it. Kate’s not exactly
a pushover either, but she’s less gruff than her old man. Out of everyone, I
like her the most.
And then we’re back to me.
Short, not exactly strong and with no real useful skills. Mostly I just try to
help out with all the odd jobs that need doing: washing, cleaning, scavenging
around the hospital, stuff like that. I’ve got a collection of odds and ends in
my room, pens and books and a couple of snowglobes, other things that have no
real use any more, but help make my room feel less empty and more… mine.
The sun’s going down and my
hand’s cramping, so I’m going to stop writing now. If anyone’s reading this…
well, welcome to the life of Kayleigh Tanner.